The Idiot's Lantern

The Idiot's Lantern

Thursday, June 21, 2012

R.I.P. Caroline John (1940-2012)

The BBC announced this morning of the passing of Caroline John earlier this month, known to the Whouniverse as Liz Shaw, the Third Doctor's first companion. 

Caroline John, 1940-2012

I always liked Liz Shaw-she was always one of my top 5 favorite companions.  I was bummed when she was only in Who for one season, and was tickled to death with the character name drop in The Sarah Jane Adventures. In fact, after Katy Manning did her guest stint in The Death of the Doctor, I was secretly hoping that they would find a way to bring Liz Shaw's character into Sarah Jane's world.  All three of Pertwee's companions on SJA? That would've been awesome!

I think one of my favorite Liz Shaw moments would be in her first story, Spearhead from Space, when she looked at the Brigadier, cocked an eyebrow and said 'what? You investigate little green men?' (ok, I'm summing that up badly, but the look on her face was priceless!)

What was your favorite Liz Shaw moment?

Rest in peace, Caroline.

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