The Idiot's Lantern

The Idiot's Lantern

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Romana's (long overdue) Season 2 Review

I did finish the season a few weeks ago-at the time, I had an excuse not to post one (I finished it right in the middle of the Feast of the Assumption-I was pretty busy with Italian band during that time) However, after that, I have no excuse-just plain lazy. I'm sorry!

Since I didn't do any reviews as I watched each episode, this entry may be a little long with commentary. ;)

10. Tooth and Claw On the bottom of most lists I've seen-for me, the biggest problem I had was the attitude that the Doctor and Rose seem to have throughout the episode-entirely too flippant for me. The werewolf was kind of creepy, though.

9. New Earth An okay start, I guess-it just kind of dragged a little.

8. Fear Her As Tom mentioned in his post-a stronger story than New Earth, but still a bit weak. When someone asks how I liked this epiosde, I usually reply with "Eh, it was okay, I guess."

7. Love and Monsters You either loved it or you hated it-not much room for middle ground...except when it comes to this particular review-I didn't hate it-I just thought it was a fluff piece that aired at the wrong point of the season-I think I would have enjoyed it better if it was in the middle of the season, rather than stuck near the end. This epsiode reminded me of Stargate's Citizen Joe-a story about the main character, told through the eyes of an average person-and how the adventures of Col. Jack O'Neill/the Doctor, directly affected Joe Spenser/Elton Pope.

6. The Idiot's Lantern Actually, I couldn't decide on the order of this and the previous episode-I think I changed it around several times before making a final decision. So, did the Wire's 'Feed me!' remind anyone else of the disembodied Great Architect Kroagnon's 'HUNGRY!' from Paradise Towers? Or have I just been watching entirely too much Doctor Who? ;)

5. The Impossible Planet/the Satan Pit This episode felt different than any other Doctor Who episode I have seen-different music, different atmosphere-and I really enjoyed it. The 'devil' being trapped in the core of the planet, who needed help to become free, reminded me of Sutekh in Pyramids of Mars. (and yes, I'm sure I would have felt the same way if I hadn't known that both characters were voiced by Gabriel Woolf). ;)

4. Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel Ahh, it was good to see my second favorite villians of all time return to Doctor Who-and it was interesting to see how the Cybermen originated in the parallel universe. Also, Mickey's character really grew on me as the series moved on-I liked how his character revolved from being a somewhat silly boyfriend to hero of the world. Hats off to Mickey!

3. Girl in the Fireplace Writer Stephen Moffat. 'nuff said. ;) Can't wait to see what he gives us in the third season!

2. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday OMG. WOW. That's all I said for several hours after watching these epiosdes. First of all, when that Dalek emerged from the sphere, the first thing I thought was, 'Hey! Who's been invading my childhood nightmares?!?!?!' I might have mentioned this before, but when I was little, I used to have nightmares that the Daleks and the Cybermen would invade my neighborhood at the same time. So when I saw the Cybermen forming in ordinary people's homes...WOW. Yeah. The second thing I thought was, "Cybermen vs. Daleks? SWEET!" I was totally blown away by this episode. Classic series nods(?) When the Cybermen pushed their way out of the plastic in Torchwood, I thought it was very reminicent of the Cybermen emerging from Tomb of the Cybermen.
...Hey, was that Sutekh's sarcaphagus in Torchwood? ;)

1. School Reunion If you haven't guessed, I'm a BIG fan of nostalgia. Big, big fan. I actually was debating on which order 1 and 2 would be-I had a hard time deciding, but in the end, School Reunion won out (it came down to which one I've watched the most since the original viewing-I don't wanna say how many times I've watched this epiosde. LOL.) ;) This was the episode I couldn't wait to see the most: Sarah Jane Smith (my favorite companion), K-9...need I say more? Anthony Stewart Head made an excellent creepy bad guy, and I loved the music. Watching this episode made me feel like a kid again-a kid who enjoyed watching Doctor Who with her family every Friday/Saturday night. I still get a silly grin after watching it. At Christmas, I showed my Mom this episode (out of order, and without my sister). I told her that we couldn't tell my sister that we had watched this episode, and she got this huge grin on her face and said, "You mean we get to watch this again?" LOL-my Mom is the coolest. Oh, and because I haven't said it in a while, Yay, Sarah Jane! :-D

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