The Idiot's Lantern

The Idiot's Lantern

Thursday, July 10, 2008

July steering meeting and a bit more...

Hi everyone! I'm back! I survived my trip home with only a few bruises, some muddy shoes, and about a gazillion mosquito bites...(well, not really, but it sure felt like it!) Lots of outdoor activities, but we still had time to have a family Doctor Who night. Best line of the night? My twelve year-old neice: "You got me hooked on Doctor Who." :-D (*goood, goood*)

Anyhoo, sorry for the late update here-I was having issues logging into Blogger:

Our July steering meeting is tonight!!! 7-10pm at the Rusty Bucket on Lane Avenue.
Come volunteer and decide where we're going as a club! We will be discussing details on our next couple meetings and events, as well as talking about current projects including recruitment, Logo and flyer design, Marcon 44 and more. has been renewed!!!! A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed!!!

Be sure to check the yahoo group-we have a couple of open polls going on. :)

Contact Andrew if you have any questions about the steering meeting-hope to see you there!!!

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