The Idiot's Lantern

The Idiot's Lantern

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Blink (NO spoilers)

Oh, wow! That was awesome! I love Steve Moffat-his episodes haven't disappointed me yet-and I'm really excited that he's going to pen another two-parter for the next series!!!

First, let me start off by saying I'm a big fan of watching movies that scare the crap out of me-not the blood and gore types, but the more suspenseful ones that keep you on the edge of your seat.

This episode was perfect for that.

It started off slow and creepy, with a few lighthearted moments thrown in here or there. Then the suspense just kept building until at one point I actually screamed and dove under the throw pillows on the couch- like I was 4 years old again watching something from the Hinchcliffe and Holmes era. (Man, that was good stuff.)

This episode even creeped my friend Jerm out-and it takes alot to creep him out. A LOT.

Bravo, Mr. Moffat, bravo!!!

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