The Idiot's Lantern

The Idiot's Lantern

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Polling time!!!

No, I don't want to know who your favorite Presidential canidate is-these polls are more fun!!! ;)

We currently have 2 active polls running for DWC:

1. Where would you like the next DWC steering meeting (February 7th) to be? We are changing locations in order to facilitate the brainstorming of questions for the Doctor Who Jeopardy game we are creating for Marcon.

Poll ends February 7th.

2. We are having another video room at Marcon this year!! Go and vote on five, (and only five!!) shows that you would like to see represented in our British Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV room. Where are Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane in this poll, you may ask? Don't worry, they are already included in our lineup!! :-D

No end date (yet) for this poll-but the sooner the better, so Andrew can have some idea of what the most popular shows are.

Be sure to log into the DWC Yahoo group and vote in the polls! Thanks!!!

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