The Idiot's Lantern

The Idiot's Lantern

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

So I've been thinking about ways to to update the Idiot's Lantern, mainly give it a new face lift. The biggest change that I was considering-switching over to blogger beta-is on hold for now. My main blog is published via an external ftp server, and I've been reading about others in my situation who have been having major problems updating their blogs since making the switch. Also, my invite to switch over has disappeared. Was it a limited time offer? LOL. I don't know for sure, but for now I'm waiting until I have to switch my account over.

I've been thinking of changing the template-my choices are somewhat limited, but I've seen some cool ones that I'm pretty sure I can use here. Also, I will be adding more links to the sidebar-convention links, other Doctor Who blogs and links, also some links to the spin-offs, Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures.

I am going to continue my weekly posts of what's on, and, if I have time, other news. I'll also post meeting reminders for DWC's monthly gatherings. Starting with the new year, I'm going to try to write reviews on a somewhat regular basis-starting with the new 8th Doctor Audios on BBC7 (which I'm looking forward to!), and the Christmas special.

I don't know how long before I actually get around to changing the template, but it looks like I may actually have a little bit of free time between Christmas and New Years this year-hopefully I'll be able to use that time to work on updating the template. :)

As always, comments are welcome. Also, if you are a memeber of DWC and would like to contribute to this blog, feel free to email me (my email should be listed in the yahoo group.) Thanks!

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